Monday, November 7, 2011

Lack of Intellingence

So over the course of the weekend I encountered my fair share of ignorance. Maybe more then my fair share...  First a chick from OK who has a severe plastic addiction told me I didn't know my own birthday and then told me I wasn't smart... Funny thing is when I messaged her back and said thanks for the convo, and to try the veal I would be here all week, she asked me what a convo was and what a veal was. Who the brainiac now? Here's your ID-10-T sign.

So then my son is photographed hanging out his bedroom window and its posted to FB, at the time I was not home, and I did see the photo and was on my way home to have a meeting. Well my neghbor took that opportunity to play spy and get the same photo.  Then she jumps me as I am getting out of my car, saying that her son is butt hurt because he over heard me telling my son that I don't trust her kid. Last time I checked, we still live in the USA and I was using my 1st Amendment Right.  
And then trys to tell me my kid is no saint... Tell me something I don't know. So when I told her that not only do I not trust her son but 98% of all kids in the neighborhood over 12, she told me to watch it or else.

OR ELSE?!?  Or else what? Are we fucking 15, are you going to kick my ass? Please try something cause I may be no saint but I guarantee that my word will be a hell of a lot better then yours.

So then the kid starts txting my kid about how we are talking shit. How does me telling my son that I don't trust another kid and to stay away from him constitute me talking shit?
One better the mom gets on the kids phone and txts him of course leaving the boys tag "talk shit get hit"
This has now become a threat from a 50 yr old lady to a 14 yr old kid.

But wait theres more....

So now my kid is out back and the other boy is talking shit to him as he cleans up the back yard "Yeah pussy just wait, keep talking shit you faggot" right in front of his mom... does she do anything? No.... and then.... the wonderful young man that I have trust issues with posts on FB a threat to see if my son is man enough.

So I call and talk to a cop on duty and his reply was don't say stuff like that in front of kids.  You have got to be kidding me!

So the morning arrives and as soon as the boy gets to school, this fantastic contributor to society tells my kid "you just wait till we get home"

And all this time my kid has been ignoring him. When is enough enough? I can't wait to move out of this town.

And as always try the veal, I am here all week!

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