Saturday, July 16, 2011


Sleep eludes me tonight/ this morning, and I have to be to work in 2 hours. Oh life is grand.
I decided that I needed to come in and actually give my page a facelift. Especially seeing as I have made a promise to myself to get over here and blog.

For those of you that haven't met me yet whoo hoo How you doin?
This is me back in the day...

and me now....
Me and my Spawn
A face to a name/blog is always nice don't you think?

Now on to the main event, this morning's tale is one like no other... my brain has been waging a battle for the last few days on whether or not to send the Douche Waffle a letter with some updated photos. Not that it will get him off his lazy ass and actually start living up to his obligations as a father, but more as me being the better person. Part of me says don't do it, he's not making an effort so its his loss. Part of me says yeah do it, but cut off all the heads in the pictures. And the last part says to just be nice and update him. What would you do?
I am seriously leaning towards option 2.

I look at these boys and have watched them grow up over the last 4yrs with only having me as their real influence... Of course Grandma and Grandpa and their Uncle help to, but I am the one that they actually rely on 99.9% of the time. They truely amaze me.

This kid is gonna go places. He self taught himself guitar, he can do anything he puts his mind to, and the girls are all over him. Oh and as a Freshman he has decided that he wants to play football, and be a cheer leader or Spirit helper... Good on ya buddy!!! He's like yeah all their boyfriends are gonna hate me because I get to cop a feel.
Soon he will be the Senior Deacon for his chapter of Demolay. I can't express how much I love this institution!!
He is wise beyond his years and one day might actually out prank his mother.

Dewey here is my evil genius. He's one cool spawnlett. Whether its playing ball or looking for ways to con me in to a chemistry set (isn't gonna happen cause it will be the one day they decide to update Google Earth and you will be able to find my house but the mushroom cloud where the house once stood). Constantly trying to keep up with Spawn 1...and he can't wait to become a Demolay.

Last but certainly can hold his own is Schmuckel. I have a variety of nicknames for this boy. He cracks me up. He and Dewey were fighting so much the last week of school that the school called and said he was in the principals office because of it. First question I asked... "Did they spill blood on the Carpet?"
Needless to say he did get his bike taken away for the weekend and had to suffer moms horrible off key singing.

I don't know what I did to deserve these crumb snatchers but I love 'em to death and wouldn't trade them for anything.... or would I? Nah just kidding.

All in all not sure what I should do about their Donor...maybe I should do an internet poll. Who knows...

A few things are certain for now... I have to go to work in an hour and did not get any sleep, and I can't wait to go see Hells Belles on Sunday. Its the boys first concert... whoo hoo can't wait.
So until later....

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